Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas is over... Here comes 2009!!

Okay, so Christmas is over and a very nice day was had by all. Especially the girls. Santa brought them a Wii and with it he brought them American Idol. As you can see, it gets used. The girls love to compete with each other. Kyndra usually wins, so it makes Shayli try harder and look even funnier. Shayli rules at bowling. Lynzee loves her superstar singing stage and I can only imagine her in the future with her sisters. Shane and I loved watching them all day. Lots of smiles and laughs. We are excited for the year ahead and look forward to visitors. (hint hint)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Didn't Do This!!

I still got the blame, but I didn't do it. Shane said it was my fault because he was watching me drive away and didn't see the other car coming. So, even though I didn't do it, it still ended up being my fault. :) I'm just glad that no one got hurt. I was tired of this car anyway. Shane hit an off duty police officer. (OOPS!) But we are lucky that we live in a small town because it was his classmate who is married to Kaipo. If you know who Kaipo is, you'll know how funny this accident ended up being. Hopefully, the insurance will cover the damage to the other guys car, so we don't have to pay anything out of pocket. Shayli was so cute that night. She told us she didn't need anything for Christmas in case it cost too much to fix Sam's car. I hope Santa heard that.

I loved this picture. The girls were getting ready for bed and Shayli and Kyndra had Lynzee just giggling. It ended up being a very fun picture. We are so excited for the holidays this year!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kyndra's been Kiddie Tagged!

So Kyndra has been Kiddie Tagged and I get to write down five great things about her. Where to begin...... 1. She is definitely the funny bone that holds our family together. It will be a crazy or a tense moment and Kyndra will be the first one to break the ice with something funny to say. She is a real joker and the things that come out of her mouth literally take me by surprise sometimes and we wonder where she comes up with the stuff she says. My personal favorite is when she was starving on the way home from town and I wouldn't let her eat her Burger King kids meal and she told me, "Fine, I'll just drink my spit and eat my tongue." It's like that with her all the time.

2. She is a great big sister to Lynzee. Lynzee loves her!! She will walk in the room and Lynzee will grin ear to ear. She was the first one to get Lynzee to do a real giggle just by bouncing around the room. She is also a good little sister to Shayli. She will do anything so she can be like her. She even has started to like soccer. She is Shayli's biggest cheerleader. (Literally!!)

3. She is a great student at school. She works real hard every day and is really good at doing her homework. She gets so much homework for the 1st grade, but always gets it done. She is reading so well, and a big accomplishment for her is being able to take Accelerated Reader tests. She shocks me at how well she is doing. She is a motivated girl who will go far in life.

4. She loves her family. Not just us at our house, but everyone she is related to. It doesn't matter if they live in Japan, Utah, Kentucky, Idaho or next door, she loves them. She loves hearing stories about her Aunts & Uncles when they were younger. And when we have family come and visit, she cries the hardest when it's time for them to leave. She has a special place in her heart for her family.

5. Last but night least, she is the most amazing daughter. I am lucky to have three of them, but Kyndra holds a special place in my heart. I think because she is so much like me. She has a temper and she is so stubborn when she knows she is right about something, but she is always the first to say, "I'm sorry and I love you." She has to be the one to GIVE the most hugs and kisses goodbye in the morning or when it's time for bed. She will cuddle right up to you when your watching TV, just to be by you. She always says thank you when you've done something nice for her. And when she gave me the biggest hug and said thank you through lots of tears at the end of our winless soccer season, that was the best win of all. She is so amazing and I love her so much.

That was fun, so now I tag:
Lette Peterson
Deilen Westbroek
Joshua Carter
Daxton Osborne

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's That Time Of Year Again!

Well, with Thanksgiving behind us, we are now getting excited for Christmas at our house. We have the decorations all up and the tree is all decked out. We have even went to see Santa already. He was at Wal-mart, so we decided to go and say hi. After we finished getting pictures Kyndra informed me that it wasn't the real Santa. I asked her how she knew and she quickly replied, "Because they called him John." OOPS!! Lucky for us, the "real" Santa was at another market place in town. Thank goodness he took the time to come to Kona. Kyndra was very nervous about that. :)
Lynzee seemed to like Santa, especially his beard & Shayli thought Santa was boring this year. We are looking forward to the holiday season. It's always a fun time of year, even with the 80' weather and no snow. To the girls, that is a normal Christmas, so that makes the season just perfect.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Tag!!

I have been Christmas Tagged.........

Christmas Questionnaire

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Picks a special part in the room for each child.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Oh Yah!!

5. When do you put up your decorations? This year the day before Thanksgiving.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Homemade Rolls.

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Christmas Eve with the cousins. Every year was so fun.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? The truth he exists, always known!!

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes traditional Christmas eve Jammies

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? With every ornament we can find :)

11. Can you ice skate? It's been way to long.

12. Do you remember your favorite gift? There were to many. Every year I have a favorite gift.

13. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Watching the magic in my girls eyes. It is so exciting.

14. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Like most desserts, but I have to go with sugar cookies.

15. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Leaving Santa a Happy Meal! :)

16. What tops your tree? STAR

17. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I love the gift of giving!!!

18. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Joy to the World

19. Candy Canes? YES!

20. Do you feel Christmas is too commercialized? Yes!! I hate seeing Christmas decorations with the school supplies.

Now I tag Heidi W., Melanie, Jill, Tiffany, & Aunt TL

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our Beautiful Girls~

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Yesterday, we went to take pictures of the girls for our Kitchen wall. Kyndra was very excited because she just got her hair cut. She has been begging me to cut her hair shorter, so we finally did. I think it turned out cute. The timing was perfect for pictures. Lynzee is now 6 months old. How time flies when your having fun. And with these three, I'm not sure where the time has gone. They are a blast.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Stronger Than A Rock!!

I found this picture of Shayli and thought it was perfect. Especially after the week she has had. I am so proud of her. She has had a pretty rough time at school being one of just a very few who wanted John McCain for president. This past Monday they had a mock election and she was one of two kids in her whole grade that voted for John McCain. It was no surprise that she would vote for him. She has debated with many kids at school about the subject. Living in Obama country, she has had many to debate with. Anyway, she was pretty harassed about it. Not only about who she would vote for but also about her religion and a few other things. This girl would NOT back down. She stood strong for what she believed in and wasn't ashamed to let the other kids know. I could tell she had had quite the day when I picked her up from school. As a parent it really tugged at the heart strings. I was so proud of her for standing strong and for not giving in. Proud of her for sticking up for what she believes is right. I wouldn't have been so brave in the 6th grade. I don't know if I would be that brave now. She is a great example to me & I am so proud of her. She has definitely been as strong as a rock this week!! LOVE YA SHAY!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Well, another Halloween has come and gone and once again we have WAY to much candy at our house. The worst part....the girls go to school and the candy sits home with me. That is not a good scenario. Anway, it was a great weekend! Lynzee was a ghost (kinda), Kyndra was a Southern Belle and Shayli was a boring pre-teenager who wanted to pass out the candy instead of collect it. She is only 11!!! Why on earth would she not want to dress-up?? I still love to trick-or-treat. Oh well!! My favorite part of Halloween is still carving the pumpkins. They were so expensive this year so we got two little tiny ones, but it was a blast watching the girls dig out the "guts" and carve the face. Fall is my favorite season, even if the weather never changes around here, it is nice to imagine the nice cool air and beautiful colors on the trees.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Local Boy!!

Hey Everyone!!
So I got tagged by my sister Carrie & I'm supposed to talk about my husband, Shane, which is so nice since it's not about me. So here I go.

How long did you date before you were married?
9 months

How long have you been married?
14 years

What does he do that surprises you?
Every now and then he will buy me a case of Dr. Pepper. You don't have any idea how huge that is. :)

What is your favorite feature of his?
His Chest and His Smile

What is your favorite quality of his?
He's a hard worker & very kind

Does he have a Nickname for you?

What is his favorite color?

What is his favorite food?
Steak & Salad

What is his favorite sport?

When and where was your first kiss?
Not to sure on the day, but it was about a month after we started dating. Our first kiss was in front of my apartment in Logan.

Favorite thing to do as a couple?
We usually do things as a couple with the kids. Love to watch the girls do anything, but drives to Hilo are great because we do lots of talking.

Do you have any children?
Shayli - 11
Kyndra - 6
Lynzee - 5 months

Does he have a hidden talent?
He cooks meat better than any restaurant I've been to.
He also sings nice if you ever get the chance to hear him

How old is he?

Who said I love you first?
This is embarassing cuz I don't actually remember. When I asked him, he said it was him, so I'll trust him. I say it most though. :)

What is his favorite type of music?
Local Music (Hawaiian)
He likes all kinds of music it all depends on the song.

What do you admire most about him?
His patience with me and the girls. He never raises his voice.

Do you think he will read this?
Are you kidding me!!

Now I'm supposed to tag a couple of people, so here it goes:
Have Fun!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I Am Blessed

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As I was going through all of these pictures, I realized once again how blessed I am. I have three beautiful, healthy girls and a husband who really loves us and works so hard to take care of us. I am able to stay home with Lynzee and be a soccer mom to the other two girls. We get to take girl day trips to Hilo and have a blast because of Shane. He has given me a wonderful place to live and raise our family. He has taught our girls the value of hard work and this past week I've been able to see them help their Grandpa on the farm and enjoy being with him. Shayli even said it was fun. What great memories they are making. I never thought I would be a farmers wife but I'm glad that I am. Even though I'm so far away from family I love, I do have a deeper apprectiation for them and our time we get to spend together. I wouldn't trade my life with anyone. Kinda sappy....I know, but it must have been one of those days!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

What a Week!!

A letter Kyndra wrote to Santa asking him to come and rescue her. Should I be worried?

Lynzees four month old picture. Isn't she sweet!!

Here we go again!! Shayli has started soccer. Quick break!!

It has been a crazy past few days. Between soccer practices, diaper rashes fevers and throw-up, we somehow made it through!! I am a little worried that Kyndra wants Santa to come and rescue her. She wrote it during the weekend and I think she wrote after I got mad at the girls for not helping clean up. Oh-well, good thing Santa loves her!

Love and miss everyone today!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

You Think You're Having A Bad Hair Day.....

This is what you call "Bed Head." The night before we spiked her hair after her bath and forgot to brush it back down. This is what happens when you forget to brush her hair back down. You gotta love that smile. What a fun time we are having with this special blessing!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Labor Day!!

We had a great Labor Day yesterday. The girls and I went to a little country fair for a couple hours and they got to play games, ride horses, climb the rock wall and hang out with their friends. Lynz and I just hung out and watched the big sistas. :) When we got home, Shane put the girls to work picking nuts. He told them that is why we celebrate Labor Day. They get the day off of school to help him Labor. :) They picked a couple of bags and Shane said he definitely had good employees. Lynzee and I made them cookies so when they all got in the house we were heros. All in all it was a great day!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Finally We Can Get Some Sleep!!

The Olympics are finally over and we can get some normal sleep. Of course, Shayli got the outcome she wanted: The U.S. Womens soccer team won the gold & local girl Natasha Kai scored a goal. Every game came on at 3:00 a.m. Hawaii time, so if we wanted to watch it live it had to be on the weekend. We did let her watch the gold game and with it being on a school day, it sure was a long day for Shayli, but she said it was totally worth it!
So here is our blog paying tribute to Shayli's favorite Olympic sport and Gold Medal Winners!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is This The Face of Innocence, Or Not?

I always thought Shayli was my most innocent and non-trouble making child. That is until yesterday. Kyndra came home from playing and revealed to me that Shayli thought it would be funny for Shayli, Kyndra and cousin Erika to put their underwear on the flagpole at the farm. She said all the boys were gone and no one would see it. So of course they did it. It would have been a sight to see three pair of panties flying around. I wonder how giggly they were after they did it. I don't think Shayli thought Kyndra would tell me. I wish I had a picture of her face when she figured out I knew about it. Now that was priceless. I still love ya Shayli. I'm glad to know that you have a little bit of rascal in you!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Memory Tag

I am playing a fun little game, courtesy of my sister Carrie.

Here are the rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Volcano Soccer Tournament

Well, we had a successful weekend! Shayli's soccer team did very well and took 2nd, just losing the championship game. It was quite the heartbreaker, but we played these huge, giant girls, so they were happy that they made it that far. Lynzee was the hit of the soccer house. All of the girls loved her. It was nice to have 10 babysitters!! Soccer seemed to agree with Lynzee. She seemed to love being outside at the games. When she did cry we blamed it on her missing Kyndra. Kyndra had a blast staying at Grandma Nakamoto's with her cousin Ronnie!! So all in all I think everyones weekend was great. I know mine was!! My favorite part next to watching Shayli play was seeing the volcano. It was the first time EVER I had seen it so powerful. It was awesome!! Even Shane had said he had never seen it like that.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Nakamoto Family Reunion

Well, the Nakamoto family reunion is over and lots of fun memories were made. It was nice to see everyone again. I think all we did for four days was eat!! The food was always good. There is always so much work put into this and we appreciated what everyone did to make this a successful reunion.
This is a picture of all the aunties, uncles and first cousins w/spouses.
A picture of the girls on the 4th of July!!
This is a great picture of Shane. He played a game with his brothers for $60 and won! I was shocked that he did it!

Shayli trying to catch a fish!

Kyndra in all her beach beauty!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Does She Like It Or Not?

This past weekend we went to the beach & let Lynzee dangle her toes in the water. At the first touch, she wailed like a banshee, but then after she got used to it, she enjoyed it. We might have another fish on our hands. It was really nice to get out in the sunshine & let the girls swim with their cousins. I enjoyed visiting with Jean, Luana & Sany. Wish Shane was there but he was working hard at the farm. SHOCKING!! :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Quick update!

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Just a quick update on our lives. The girls are home from their great trip to Japan. I was worried they weren't going to come back. They loved it!! We are now getting ready for the Nakamoto family reunion. Over a 100 Nakamotos will be running around Kona, so that should be fun. Lynzee is growing fast and is almost 10 pounds. She will be seven weeks in a couple of days. Time is sure flying. What a summer so far!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

One Month Today

It's amazing how fast time flies. Lynzee Belle turned one month today. We had a little photo shoot & other than that it's been pretty quiet. She is really getting quite alert, her facial expressions are so cute. I wish they didn't grow up so fast.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Miss Shayli & Kyndra!

Monday, June 9, 2008

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Lynzee's Blessing Day

Yesterday we had Lynzee Belle's Blessing. It was so aweseome. I have no idea what Shane even said. It wasn 't because Lynzee was crying, she was actually very good, I was to busy blubbering. It was so great to have Keith there. When the blessing was over, just seeing him walk away from the circle made the day so special. It was the first time I had someone from my family at one of the girls blessings and it was extra special that Keith was there especially for this one. Now, the house is way to quiet. Lynzee is sleeping and the girls and Mom and Keith are on their way to Japan. Kyndra was so sweet when they left. She got very teary eyed because she was going to miss me and Shane, which of course made me teary eyed. I'm glad she's going to miss us. Shayli of course couldn't get on the plane fast enough. Good luck to Grammy and Grandpa.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Lynzee's 1st chuch day!

Well, we made it through another weekend. It started Friday with the girls May Day school program. It was Kyndra's first and Shayli's last one at the Elementary school. We always are a little shocked when Kyndra dances. She can really shake those hips. Shayli had her end of the season soccer tournament on Saturday and they placed 3rd, which was so cool. They haven't placed in a tournament forever. They played these huge girls from Waimea and beat them 2-1. Waimea beat them earlier this seaon 3-6, so it was exciting. They played in Hilo, so of course Kyndra went because she knew daddy would take her to the mall. Lynzee went to church for the first time and didn't like to well. She screamed and spit up more in those 3 hours then she has her whole short life. Good luck Shane next week with the blessing. :) We are anxiously waiting for Grammy and Grandpa to get her, so this week will definitely be wonderful.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Nakamoto Sisters

Well, it's been two weeks since Lynzee joined our family & we are still surviving. The girls still fight over who gets to hold her & Shane and I are still sane for the most part. Lynzee continues to be a great baby. She has really made it easy to transition from a family of four to a family of five. We are so happy to have her!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The New Nakamoto Family

Well, we finally have a baby. Lynzee Belle Kiyoko Nakamoto made her grand debut on Monday, May 12, 2008 at 4:52 p.m. She weighed in at 6 lbs 6oz and measured 19" long. She has a ton of black hair and we all have fallen instantly in love. Can't wait for her to meet everyone!!

Lynzee Belle

Here is the Lynzee debut!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Ready or Not!!

Well, it's getting closer and our house is getting excited and some of us nervous. We are all anxious to meet this baby whether him or her. I think her!! Anyway in four week or hopefully less we will know! YAY!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another Soccer Day!!

Well, I'm starting to figure this blog thing out. Thanks Carrie!! Anyway, we are now full swing into Spring Soccer. This is a picture of Shayli's first game. You can see how thrilled Kyndra is to be there. Hopefully, our newest member will be joining us at the soccer games soon!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The year started out nice and cool for the girls and Shane. Shane thought it would be fun to take the girls up to Mauna Kea to see the snow. This is there authentic Hawaiiian snowman. It has cookie eyes and everything. Notice Shane in the shorts. Gotta love it!!