Monday, September 28, 2009

Soccer Saturdays & More.....

Well soccer Saturdays are in full swing! And at our house we just love this time of year. The time of year when we eat, sleep and breathe soccer, literally! We are now in our third week of the fall season and I finally remembered my camera. I got a few shots of the girls and their teams and then we all enjoyed a couple of great soccer games. Shayli's team had a great game. They played one of their big rival teams and won big time. I think the score was 9-0. Shayli's team is so fun to watch. They have no subs and have to play the whole game, but they play so well together. The other teams coach was so mad because of the score, but Coach Mary had the girls playing all different positions. Shayli even played goalie one quarter, but didn't even touch the ball once. Out of the nine girls on her team five different girls scored. It didn't matter where Coach Mary put them, they played awesome. Shayli didn't have her best game, but considering she had just got over the flu, we gave her a break. :)

Now, Kyndra's team is the Bad News Bears of soccer. It could be her coach, but this past weekend we made progress. We finally got our first goal of the season. YAY!! And we didn't even lose, we tied the game 2-2. Kyndra had the biggest smile after the game and couldn't wait to call Grandpa Keith and tell him how she did. She played goalie one quarter and didn't let any through. She was so proud of herself!! Coach Mom was very proud of her too. She played hard every quarter she was in and even ran hard this weekend too, which is very unusal for Kyndra. She doesn't like to run to much in soccer. Her whole point in being there is to be with her friends and socialize. She plays soccer for totally different reasons than Shayli. Shayli is a die hard, Kyndra is a social bug. But both are very, very fun to watch for very, very different reasons. So all in all it was a successful soccer Saturday.
Now, after we got home, of course we were all tired, so we kind of layed around for a little while. It was then that I realized how quiet it was.....too quiet. Lynzee is definitely not a quiet girl and she had already had her nap, so I knew I needed to go and hunt for her. This is where I found her!
She was a happy as she could be! I'm sure it was nice and cool in there, especially on that very hot day we had. When I look at that smile, I wonder how could you not love this girl! She has definitely brought a great spark to our family. We have moments like these with her all the time. I'm just glad I was able to capture this one. She is so spoiled, but oh-well!
I didn't get any pictures of Shane this weekend. He of course does his best to stay away from the camera. But he definitely helps me survive weekends like we just had. I couldn't do it without him. Glad I found one of the great ones!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't Die Of Shock!!!

I was realizing this morning that it has been quite a while since I've posted anything, so thought I would finally do it today. School has been up and running for a month now and all is going well. Shayli loves her new school. She has already learned so much and we now really really appreciate the value of good teachers. What a difference they make! Kyndra is loving the second grade and has found a new love....the Boxcar Children books. She has always liked reading, but now she is really liking it. Lynzee FINALLY got tooth number four this past week. Yes, she is almost 16 months and only has four teeth. I HATE TEETHING!! She has been so grouchy this past week, so I'm hoping that more teeth are on the way and we get over this fun part of being a mom. Shane still works his guts out. If he isn't at work, he's working on the farm, and if he isn't at the farm, he's working out. It's hard not to love this hardworking buff guy. :) I have once again gotten myself into coaching Kyndra's soccer team. I think we may have another one of those seasons, but I'm hoping for at least one win this year. :) Shayli said I shouldn't ruin a good record. HA HA Shayli!! So all in all, life is treating us pretty good. I'm already counting down for summer. Only 8 months and a few days until we get to Utah.....WOO HOO!! Can't wait to see everyone!!